Srinagar, May 13 – In a significant development, security forces successfully thwarted an infiltration bid along the Line of Control (LoC) in the Uri sector of Jammu and Kashmir. The incident took place in the early hours, when terrorists attempted to infiltrate the densely vegetated area of Baramulla district. Prompt action by alert troops prevented the infiltration and subsequent searches are being conducted for potential recoveries.
During the exchange of fire, the situation escalated as a quadcopter was deployed by the Pakistani side, hovering over the scene. However, the Indian Army swiftly responded by firing at the drone, compelling its withdrawal. This incident highlights the alarming collaboration between terrorists and the Pakistan Army in facilitating infiltration attempts, according to officials.
The Indian Army remains committed to maintaining the security and integrity of the region, and such foiled infiltration bids reinforce their vigilance and readiness.