Jammu, May 16: Shiv Kumar Sharma, President of Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) in Jammu & Kashmir, announced the appointment of Shashi Syal as the Vice President of J&K INTUC. The appointment took place in the presence of Raman Bhalla, Working President of JKPCC (Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee). Notable attendees included Suriender Singh Dutt, Block President, along with several other INTUC members.
Bhalla congratulated Shashi Syal on her new role and emphasized the importance of INTUC in supporting unorganized workers to secure fair employment and decent wages, ultimately improving the purchasing power of rural, agricultural, and gig workers. Bhalla criticized the NDA government’s policies, describing them as “anti-human” and “anti-labour,” and called for the immediate withdrawal of these regulations. He emphasized that INTUC should focus on fostering labor relations that guarantee employment, make workers stakeholders, and enhance the social security net.
Furthermore, Bhalla highlighted the historical welfare initiatives undertaken by India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, and the Congress party’s efforts to empower workers. In contrast, Bhalla accused the BJP-led central government of dismantling the labor movement by enacting employer-specific laws. He cited the recent agitation by the Congress party, which resulted in the withdrawal of three contentious agricultural laws imposed by the government.
Shiv Kumar Sharma expressed concern over the changes in labor laws, alleging that the rights and privileges of workers have been compromised to serve the interests of employers, leading to worker exploitation. Sharma further criticized the government’s allocation of important projects to select industrialists with close ties to the ruling party. He pointed out that the Modi government’s promises of generating two crore jobs annually, depositing Rs 15 lakh in people’s bank accounts, and doubling farm incomes remain unfulfilled.
Sharma highlighted the economic hardships faced by workers, including job losses, reduced incomes, rising food and fuel prices, and chronic unemployment, all of which have worsened under BJP rule. There is widespread discontent against the Modi government, he added. Sharma demanded universal social security coverage, an increase in the minimum wage, an end to the sale of state assets, and no further privatization of public sector banks.
Overall, the INTUC leadership criticized the BJP government’s labor policies, calling for greater protection and rights for workers in the face of economic challenges.