Srinagar, May 17: In Jammu and Kashmir’s Baramulla district, a Sarpanch was apprehended by the police during a routine check at Bela Boniyar, as he attempted to flee the scene. The arrested Sarpanch, identified as Mohammad Amin Banday from Lari Boniyar, was found to be in possession of approximately 21 grams of a substance resembling Brown Sugar. The police promptly took him into custody and registered a case under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act at the Boniyar Police Station. An investigation has been initiated into the matter. (Agencies)
Bhopal, October 21 : The process of filing nominations for the forthcoming Madhya Pradesh assembly elections officially commenced on Saturday, with the issuance of notification for the polls, according...
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