JAMMU, May 24: A devastating accident occurred in Kishtwar district when a vehicle carrying workers of a power project rolled down a hill, resulting in the loss of seven lives and leaving two others in critical condition. The incident took place near the Dangduru power project site in the remote Dacchan area at around 8:35 am amidst heavy rainfall, as reported by the police.
Devansh Yadav, the Deputy Commissioner of Kishtwar, confirmed that the accident happened during adverse weather conditions. “Seven individuals have tragically lost their lives, and two others are critically injured,” stated Khalil Ahmad Poswal, the Senior Superintendent of Police in Kishtwar.
According to authorities, the driver of the vehicle lost control while navigating a blind curve, leading to the vehicle rolling down the hill for several hundred feet before coming to a halt. Six individuals were found deceased at the accident site, while another succumbed to injuries while being transported to the hospital.
Expressing his condolences, Union Minister Jitendra Singh described the accident as “unfortunate” and assured support to the affected families. In a tweet, he stated, “Just spoke to DC #Kishtwar Dr Devansh Yadav about the unfortunate road accident at Dangduru Dam site… Injured being shifted to district hospital Kishtwar or GMC #Doda as per requirement. All possible help, as required, will be provided.”