New Delhi, May 27 : Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to lead the eighth governing council meeting of NITI Aayog on Saturday. The meeting will take place at the new Convention Centre in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, under the theme “Viksit Bharat @2047: Role of Team India.”
As the chairman of NITI Aayog, PM Modi will oversee discussions on various crucial topics, including health, skill development, women empowerment, and infrastructure development. The aim is to propel India towards becoming a developed nation by 2047.
The day-long meeting will focus on eight prominent themes, encompassing Viksit Bharat@2047, emphasis on MSMEs, infrastructure and investments, simplifying compliances, women empowerment, health and nutrition, skill development, and Gati Shakti for area development and social infrastructure, as stated by NITI Aayog.
The meeting will be attended by Chief Ministers, Lt. Governors of all states and union territories, Union Ministers as ex-officio members, as well as the Vice Chairman and Members of NITI Aayog.
Preparations for the 8th Governing Council Meeting included the second Chief Secretaries Conference held in January 2023, where the aforementioned themes were extensively discussed. Stakeholder consultations and brainstorming sessions with subject experts, academia, and practitioners were also conducted to gather comprehensive grassroots-level perspectives.
India, being the world’s fifth-largest economy and most populous nation, is in a phase of its economic development where accelerated growth can be achieved over the next 25 years. The 8th Governing Council Meeting presents an opportunity to chart a roadmap for Viksit Bharat by 2047, fostering collaboration between the Centre and States as Team India. This will not only have a positive impact on India but also contribute to the global socioeconomic growth and transformation.
The meeting coincides with India’s G20 Presidency, and the nation’s motto for G20, “One Earth, One Family, One Future,” reflects its civilizational values and vision for global cooperation. India is expected to provide values-based leadership and deliver development at scale, generating hopes within the international community. The collaboration between the Centre and States has played a significant role in shaping India’s unique development trajectory.
Recognizing that India’s growth is intertwined with the progress of its states, the guiding principle for India’s inclusive and sustainable vision for the next 25 years is “When our States grow, India grows,” as highlighted by PM Modi in his 76th Independence Day address. The 8th Governing Council Meeting serves as a platform to strengthen Centre-State cooperation and foster partnerships in the pursuit of Viksit Bharat @2047.