Jammu, May 29: Acting on a tip-off about the presence of suspicious individuals, security forces conducted a search operation in a village located in the Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir. A resident of Purani village noticed the movement of three suspicious persons during the early hours and promptly informed the police. Assisted by the Army and the CRPF, the police swiftly established a cordon and conducted thorough house-to-house searches. However, no suspicious individuals were found. Local residents expressed concern, highlighting that this was the second instance in a fortnight where suspicious movements were detected by vigilant villagers. They also called for a permanent security post in the village to ensure ongoing protection. The security forces remain on high alert in Poonch and nearby Rajouri districts following a series of three separate terror attacks since January, resulting in the loss of ten soldiers and seven civilians.
Bhopal, October 21 : The process of filing nominations for the forthcoming Madhya Pradesh assembly elections officially commenced on Saturday, with the issuance of notification for the polls, according...
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