Jammu, June 20 : A tragic incident unfolded in Kishtwar district of Jammu and Kashmir, as a man identified as Shabir Ahmed Chopan allegedly jumped into a river and drowned after a heated argument over a land parcel. The incident occurred in the Bismina village of the Warwan Valley on Sunday.
Chopan, a resident of Larnoo village in Anantnag district, had engaged in a dispute with local villagers regarding the land. The situation escalated to a point where Chopan, in a state of distress, took the drastic step of jumping into the river near Margi.
Authorities swiftly responded to the incident, dispatching a police rescue team to the scene to recover the body. Subsequently, a case has been registered against 16 individuals at Warwan police station under Section 306/34 (abetment to suicide) of the Indian Penal Code. As part of the ongoing investigation, five individuals have been arrested in connection with the case.
The Senior Superintendent of Police in Kishtwar has ordered a special investigation, led by the Subdivisional Police Officer of Marwah, to shed light on the circumstances surrounding the tragic event. It is worth noting that the land dispute between Chopan and the villagers of Bismina is currently under judicial consideration.
This unfortunate incident serves as a somber reminder of the importance of peaceful resolution and dialogue in settling disputes, and highlights the need for community harmony to prevent such tragic outcomes.