JAMMU, Jul 5: On Wednesday, the Special Investigation Unit of Kishtwar Police conducted raids at six locations on the outskirts of the city. These coordinated searches were carried out in compliance with the directives from the Special NIA Court Jammu against terrorists based in Kishtwar, operating from Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK).
The searches commenced at approximately 8 a.m., with authorities thoroughly analyzing digital evidence and hard copies of documents seized during the operation. Warrants were issued against the identified terrorists, namely Manzoor Ahmed alias Tahir Inqalabi, Nazir Ahmed alias Shaheen, Shabir Ahmed alias Junaid, Mohd. Iqbal Rishi, Mohd. Amin Bhat, and Mohd Iqbal.
Kishtwar’s SSP, Khalil Poswal, affirmed that the raids were being carried out in accordance with court orders. The objective is to dismantle the terror ecosystem by identifying the overground network of terrorists, which provides them support. These terrorists are alleged to have received assistance from sleeper cells, mobilized by secessionist and separatist leaders, with the malicious intent of waging war against the Indian government and attempting to secede Jammu and Kashmir from the Union of India. Authorities have also pledged to prosecute all supporters and associates associated with these terrorists operating from PoJK.