Binu Kesavan, a well-known real estate businessman, and his wife Shivani are set to organize a grand Bhandara for the general public on 16th July in Noida. This special event is being held to celebrate the 1st birthdays of their daughters, Gaurika and Gaurisha. The Bhandara will take place at B-129, Sector 67, Noida.
In honor of their daughters’ milestone birthdays, the couple decided to organize a Bhandara, a traditional community feast, that will serve as a free meal for the public.
Binu Kesavan expressed his excitement, stating, “We are incredibly grateful for the joy and blessings that our daughters, Gaurika and Gaurisha, have brought into our lives. Organizing this Bhandara is our way of expressing gratitude and sharing our happiness with the community. We sincerely hope that this event brings smiles to the faces of everyone who attends and strengthens the bonds within our community .