Moonchild Social Welfare Foundation, successfully organized a Special Aadhaar Card Updation and Correction Camp at Shambu Mandir, Roop Nagar. The event was inaugurated by the former Deputy Mayor, Adv. Purnima Sharma, who expressed her confidence that the camp would extend substantial convenience to the attendees. She emphasized that many individuals facing challenges in obtaining their biometrics and acquiring new cards would immensely benefit from this initiative.
Chairman Megha Jamwal from Moonchild Social Welfare Foundation, Editor-in-Chief of Global Matrix Shubham Langer, and Ward No. 62 Corporator, Smt. Rekha Manhas, Diginataries from Mandir Trust were Pardhan Sat pal Singh Chib , Dwarka Shastri jiAap Shambu Mandir , Ajmer singh Manager were also present, reaffirming their commitment to uplift the community and contribute to its overall well-being.
The camp’s primary objective was to provide crucial Aadhaar card updation and correction services, ensuring accurate identification documents for citizens. These updated cards empower individuals to avail various government welfare schemes, services, and benefits seamlessly. The foundation and its esteemed partners worked cohesively, leaving no stone unturned to make the camp a resounding success.
“We are optimistic that this camp will prove to be a game-changer for numerous individuals who face difficulties in obtaining their biometrics or acquiring new cards. The convenience offered by this initiative will be of immense value to those in need,” said Adv. Purnima Sharma, acknowledging the impact of the camp on the community.
The event witnessed an overwhelming response from local residents, with over 100 individuals participating and benefiting from the services provided. The foundation’s dedicated volunteers, alongside government officials, worked tirelessly to ensure a seamless and efficient process for all attendees.
The Moonchild Social Welfare Foundation remains steadfast in its commitment to promoting social welfare, education, and community development. Events such as the Special Aadhaar Card Camp exemplify the foundation’s dedication to bridging service gaps and addressing immediate needs in the community.
About Moonchild Social Welfare Foundation :
Moonchild Social Welfare Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to empowering the community