Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan Ji, officially launched Saurabh Pachauri’s highly anticipated book titled “KALYUG MANTRAS BY 100RAB.”
Book also got launched by
Shri VD Sharma Ji, State President of BJP Madhya Pradesh and Member of Parliament from Khajuraho,
The event witnessed the presence of several esteemed personalities, including Shri Hitanand Ji, State Organisation General Secretary, and Shri Sumit Pachauri Ji, President of BJP Bhopal.
The book, titled “KALYUG MANTRAS BY 100RAB: JUST CHILL AFFIRMATIONS WILL CHANGE YOUR WHOLE LIFE,” falls under the self-help genre and aims to provide guidance to individuals in navigating the challenges of modern-day life. It presents a unique approach to addressing stress, anxiety, and other issues prevalent in today’s fast-paced world.
During the book launch ceremony, Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan Ji expressed his appreciation for Saurabh Pachauri’s work and commended the author for addressing relevant concerns faced by individuals in the current era. He emphasized the importance of self-care and mental well-being and believed that “KALYUG MANTRAS BY 100RAB” would offer valuable insights and practical techniques to readers.
Shri VD Sharma Ji, the State President of BJP Madhya Pradesh and Member of Parliament from Khajuraho, lauded Saurabh Pachauri’s efforts in empowering individuals with the tools to lead a balanced and fulfilling life. He stressed the need for such guidance in today’s fast-paced society, where people often find themselves overwhelmed by various challenges.
Shri Hitanand Ji, the State Organisation General Secretary, spoke highly of the book’s content and its potential to inspire positive changes in readers’ lives. He emphasized the importance of self-motivation and the role of affirmations in cultivating a resilient mindset.
President of BJP Bhopal, Shri Sumit Pachauri Ji, expressed his pride in Saurabh Pachauri’s accomplishment and highlighted the significance of the book’s release. He encouraged the public to explore the transformative power of “KALYUG MANTRAS BY 100RAB” and praised the author’s dedication to helping individuals thrive in the modern age.
“KALYUG MANTRAS BY 100RAB” is now available for purchase on popular e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and Flipkart, offering readers convenient access to the book’s valuable teachings. To acquire a copy of the book, interested individuals can visit the following link:
With its focus on practical advice and insightful guidance, Saurabh Pachauri’s book aims to become a trusted resource for those seeking personal growth and a path to a more harmonious life in the digital age.