Ludhiana, July 22 : On Friday, the Ludhiana Range of Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) apprehended an assistant sub-inspector (ASI) stationed at Tibba police station in Ludhiana district while he was caught accepting a bribe of Rs 20,000 from a woman in exchange for settling a complaint filed against her. The accused ASI, identified as Satnam Singh, was caught red-handed during the operation. His accomplice, Balbir Singh, was also arrested at his residence in Mohalla Jagdishpura in connection to the bribery case.
An official spokesperson from the vigilance bureau revealed that the ASI had demanded Rs 1,40,000 from the complainant, Daljeet Kaur, but eventually settled for Rs 60,000. It was alleged that a payment of Rs 3000 had already been made to him on July 18, 2023.
Following the incident, a case has been registered against both the accused under Section 7, 7A of the Prevention of Corruption (PC) Act, and also under Section 120-B of IPC at Police Station VB, Ludhiana Range. The investigation is currently ongoing.