New Delhi, July 29 : On Saturday, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) made an official announcement stating that they have filed an FIR in relation to the disturbing viral video depicting two young tribal women being paraded naked by a mob in Manipur.
According to a senior CBI official, the case was registered late Friday night.
The Manipur government and the Union Ministry of Home Affairs had transferred the case to the CBI for further investigation. In connection with the incident, Manipur Police have already apprehended seven suspects.
The incident occurred on May 4, shortly after widespread ethnic violence erupted in Manipur. However, the video only gained widespread attention and became viral this month.
In response to the seriousness of the matter, the Centre informed the Supreme Court on Thursday that the investigation had been handed over to the CBI. Additionally, they requested the transfer of the entire case, including the trial, to a state outside Manipur.
Currently, the CBI has registered six separate FIRs related to the ongoing violence in Manipur, with the viral video case being the seventh.
The video’s shocking content elicited nationwide condemnation, prompting the opposition to demand a statement from Prime Minister Narendra Modi regarding the matter during Parliament sessions.