New Delhi, August 10th – In the latest update from the Union Health Ministry on Thursday, India recorded 39 fresh cases of COVID-19, bringing the count of active cases to 1,505. The data, updated at 8 am, also indicated a total death toll of 5,31,920 attributed to the disease. The overall COVID-19 case tally for the country has now reached 4.49 crore (4,49,96,151).
The Health Ministry’s website reports a significant recovery rate, with the number of individuals who have successfully overcome the disease rising to 4,44,62,726. This equates to a national recovery rate of 98.81 percent. The case fatality rate stands at 1.18 percent.
Notably, the ministry’s data reflects the administration of a substantial 220.67 crore doses of COVID-19 vaccines across the nation.