Himachal Pradesh, Aug 11 : In the early hours of Friday, a landslide struck the Shimla-Kalka road along National Highway-5, resulting in its closure, according to local authorities. The incident occurred between Thambu Mod and Chakki Mod due to heavy rains, prompting officials to shut down the road for safety reasons. Just a few days prior, the road had been reopened after repair work following a previous landslide.
Tragically, the combined toll from ongoing rains, floods, and landslides in Himachal Pradesh has surged to 223, with 295 individuals reported injured. The destructive forces have also left around 800 houses completely damaged and approximately 7500 houses partially affected, shared Himachal Revenue Minister Jagat Singh Negi.
Additionally, the National Center for Seismology noted an earthquake of magnitude 3.4 on the Richter scale that struck the Lahaul and Spiti districts of Himachal Pradesh. The seismic event, occurring at 23:20:41 IST, originated at a depth of 5 kilometers.