Himachal Pradesh : On Wednesday, Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu of Himachal Pradesh announced the release of Rs 165.22 crore to Deputy Commissioners and various line departments across the state to support restoration initiatives.
Of this allocation, Rs 74 crore has been designated for the Jal Shakti Department to facilitate the repair and maintenance of water supply systems. Additionally, the Public Works Department will receive Rs 14.50 crore for the rehabilitation of damaged roads and bridges.
Immediate relief funds have also been allocated, with Rs 3.70 crore for HPSEBL (Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Limited), and Rs 2 crore each for the Horticulture and Agriculture Departments.
Furthermore, an allotment of Rs 63.07 crore has been granted to all Deputy Commissioners to aid affected families in undertaking repair work. Specifically, Deputy Commissioners of Kangra, Solan, and Shimla have received Rs 4.95 crore for the reconstruction and repair of damaged residences.
Emphasizing the urgency of the situation, Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu directed Deputy Commissioners and line departments to accelerate the restoration of damaged infrastructure and provide prompt relief to affected families. He assured that funds would not be lacking for repair and maintenance efforts, as well as relief measures.
Highlighting the state government’s continuous efforts to ensure the safety of lives and properties, the Chief Minister called on residents to remain vigilant due to the forecast of heavy rainfall over the next 48 hours. He expressed condolences over the loss of six lives in rain-related incidents in Mandi and Shimla districts during the preceding 12 hours.