Harsh Gupta, a 24-year-old from Janipur colony, Jammu, has been making headlines in the region with his entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen. Despite coming from a humble background, with his father being an auto-rickshaw driver, Harsh has not let his circumstances hold him back from achieving success.
After completing his 10th grade and a 3-year polytechnic diploma, Harsh began his career as a computer operator at Jammu Voice, a local news organization. However, he quickly climbed the ranks and became a reporter for the publication. He later transitioned into video editing and web development for Early Post Daily newspaper.
While working at Early Post, Harsh also took on freelance work with various educational institutions and newspapers as a graphic designer and web developer. Within 1.5 years, Harsh had saved up an impressive 12 lakhs, with a monthly income of 80,000.
Harsh’s entrepreneurial journey truly took off when he sent his father for chef training at Fortune Hotel for a year. After completing his training and gaining 6 months of experience, Harsh started his own cloud kitchen, Online Cafe, from home on March 5th, 2021.
Within 6 months, Harsh expanded his business and opened a restaurant on September 5th, 2021. Initially, only his family members were employed, but with the expansion of his business, he has created employment opportunities for more than 10 people.
Today, Harsh’s monthly sales are upwards of 9 lakhs, and he has his sights set on expanding his business even further. His vision is to have 10 outlets across Jammu & Kashmir by January 1st, 2024.
Harsh Gupta’s success story is an inspiration to young entrepreneurs across the country, demonstrating that with hard work and determination, anyone can achieve their dreams regardless of their background or circumstances.