In a notable appeal to Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, Tejwant Singh Sawhney, a senior leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has expressed deep concern over the disappearance of Er. Gurmeet Singh, also known as Sethi Veer Ji, a resident of Kanthbagh Baramulla in the Kashmir Valley. Singh, originally hailing from Panzalla Rafiabad, has been missing since 6:30 PM on August 25, 2023. The senior BJP leader emphasized the importance of ensuring the safety and security of minorities in the region and urged the LG to take prompt action to locate Er. Gurmeet Singh.
Tejwant Singh Sawhney has appealed to the LG to direct the local authorities to intensify their efforts in locating Er. Gurmeet Singh and ensure the safety of all residents, regardless of their background, in the valley. He stressed the need for a comprehensive investigation into the disappearance and requested that all aspects be thoroughly examined.
Acknowledging the urgency of the situation, Tejwant Singh Sawhney stated, “The well-being of all citizens, irrespective of their religious or ethnic background, is of paramount importance. It is our collective responsibility to ensure their safety and security.”
The BJP leader’s appeal has caught the attention of various sections of society, with many expressing solidarity with the call to find Er. Gurmeet Singh. Concerns over the safety of minorities in the region have been a subject of ongoing discourse, and this incident has added to those concerns.
Local police officials have confirmed that they are actively investigating the case from all angles and are in contact with the family of Er. Gurmeet Singh. The authorities have urged anyone with information about his disappearance to come forward and assist in the investigation.
If anyone has seen Er. Gurmeet Singh (Sethi Veer Ji) after the mentioned time and date, we urgently urge them to come forward and provide any information that could help in locating him. Please contact the following phone numbers: 9797199937 and 7780831292. Your assistance could play a pivotal role in this matter.