Chandigarh, August 30: In a recent development, the Border Security Force (BSF) has successfully seized a total of six kilograms of heroin along with a packet of opium in the border village of Dostpur, situated in Gurdaspur, Punjab. This operation was carried out based on precise intelligence inputs.
The BSF personnel undertook a thorough search operation during the evening of Tuesday, which led to the significant discovery. The confiscated items included six individual packets of heroin, collectively weighing approximately 6.30 kilograms. Additionally, a separate packet containing around 70 grams of opium was also found. Notably, these contraband substances had been concealed within a 12-volt battery case.
The diligent efforts of the BSF demonstrate their commitment to curbing illegal activities and maintaining security along the border. This successful operation underscores the importance of timely and specific information in executing such actions effectively.