Jammu, August 30th: In the district of Rajouri, Jammu and Kashmir, local authorities have apprehended an individual on charges of physically assaulting a fellow villager and directing caste-based derogatory comments towards him. The incident occurred on Tuesday and was brought to light by law enforcement officials on Wednesday.
Sahil Kumar, a resident of Dassal village, filed a formal complaint accusing Bunty Saryal of deliberately obstructing his path, engaging in a physical altercation, and verbally abusing him. Saryal’s remarks extended to casteist slurs against Kumar, which not only inflicted emotional distress but also impacted sentiments within a specific community.
A representative from the local police elaborated, stating, “Bunty Saryal’s actions prompted the lodging of a complaint by Sahil Kumar. The nature of the incident involves charges of wrongful restraint, causing physical harm, intentional insult, and explicit threats.” Additionally, Saryal has been charged under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, which specifically addresses offenses against marginalized communities.
As authorities continue to investigate the case, legal actions are being pursued in accordance with the charges against Saryal. The incident underscores the importance of addressing such issues to promote a more inclusive and equitable society.