On Wednesday, officers from the Indian Army and the Jammu and Kashmir police were injured during an encounter with terrorists in the Kokernag area of Anantnag, within the Union Territory. This information was confirmed by the Kashmir Zone Police. The encounter commenced around 1:00 PM IST, and as reported by visuals from news agency ANI, a military ambulance was observed transporting the injured Army and J&K police personnel to the hospital.
In response to the situation, additional reinforcements have been dispatched to the encounter site, and it is reported that the military forces have effectively cordoned off the area where the terrorists are believed to be present.
In a related incident on Tuesday, a heroic Indian Army dog named Kent, serving in the Rajouri sector of Jammu and Kashmir, tragically lost his life while protecting his handler during a terrorist incident. According to a statement from the Public Relations Officer of the Indian Army, Kent, a member of the 21 Army Dog Unit, came under heavy fire while leading a group of soldiers who were in pursuit of fleeing terrorists. Regrettably, he succumbed to his injuries at the scene.
In response to these developments, Northern Army Commander Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi remarked, “…Pakistan is attempting to infiltrate foreign terrorists to disrupt peace in India. With an expected 2.25 crore tourists visiting J&K this year, Pakistan is making efforts to hinder this progress. However, we remain committed to thwarting Pakistan’s attempts and maintaining stability in the region.”