The 2023 Asian Games have etched a historic chapter for India, showcasing the exceptional prowess of its athletes and culminating in an extraordinary medal haul. India’s achievement of reaching a momentous milestone of 100 medals, comprising 25 gold, 35 silver, and 40 bronze, stands as a testament to their remarkable performance.
On a thrilling Saturday, India’s athletes propelled their country to this historic mark with three consecutive gold medals in archery and women’s kabaddi.
In the domain of archery, Pravin Ojas Deotale and Abhishek Verma seized the limelight in the men’s compound archery event at the 19th Asian Games. Pravin outshone Abhishek to claim the gold medal with a score of 149-147, adding to India’s medal tally. Meanwhile, in the women’s compound archery category, Jyothi Surekha Vennam secured gold by defeating South Korea’s Chaewon So with a score of 149-145. Aditi Gopichand also contributed to the nation’s success with a silver medal in women’s compound archery, triumphing over Indonesia’s Ratih Zilizati Fadhly with a score of 146-140.
However, the pinnacle of India’s achievements came in the form of the women’s kabaddi team, who delivered an electrifying performance in a thrilling final match against Chinese Taipei, culminating in India’s 100th medal.