October 9th, Srinagar : The Income Tax department launched a series of raids at multiple business establishments across Kashmir. According to reports from Kashmir Dot Com, the Income Tax department from Delhi conducted searches at Arco Textile (DTA) and Dawar Textile Agency, both located in Lal-Mandi Srinagar and owned by Jameel Aiman, a resident of Sopore from Shah Anwar Colony, Hyderpora. Additionally, another team, led by Sudeep Dabas, conducted raids at Kashmir Glass Industry, owned by Adil Magray, and Modern Steel, owned by Nisar Ahmad, both situated in Phase 3rd SIDCO Khunmoh.
In Sopore, the Income Tax department carried out searches at the residence of Javid Ahmad Aiman, a part of the Arco business group.
An official, speaking to KDC, confirmed the ongoing raids, which commenced in the morning. Further details will be shared once all searches have concluded.