Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath convened a meeting at Lok Bhavan in preparation for the launch of the fourth phase of the ‘Mission Shakti’ campaign. The mission aims to empower women and girls, fostering self-reliance among them.
In the meeting held on Tuesday, CM Yogi expressed that the ‘Mission Shakti’ campaign, initiated by the state government to enhance the safety, respect, and empowerment of women and girls, has yielded positive societal impacts. The new phase of the campaign is set to kick off with a statewide vehicle rally on October 14, designed to raise awareness about government schemes related to women’s empowerment from both Central and State authorities, according to an official press release from the Chief Minister’s office.
During the meeting, CM Yogi stressed the importance of women officers in the field, tasking them with disseminating information about government initiatives and ensuring prompt resolution of women’s issues as a top priority.
The Chief Minister emphasized that the campaign should be executed in every gram panchayat and ward, ensuring the active involvement of village leaders, women police officers, lekhpals, panchayat secretaries, Asha workers, and ANMs.
The campaign also aims to provide information about women’s empowerment schemes and promote awareness of women’s safety programs launched by both Central and State Governments. Beat officers are instructed to visit Panchayat Bhawans weekly to address women’s issues and inform the public about various government welfare programs.
To foster public awareness during the campaign, “Prabhat pheris” involving students from the Basic and Secondary Education Departments will be organized across the state. Additionally, the Home Department will employ the Public Address System for the Mission Shakti awareness campaign.
All departments associated with the Mission Shakti Abhiyan are slated to conduct awareness programs on October 14 and 15, followed by department-specific scheduled activities starting from October 16, as per the directives of the Chief Minister.