JAMMU, October 11: In a first for Jammu and Kashmir’s Reasi district, the renowned ‘Yakshagana’ theatre presentation from Karnataka, centered around Mata Vaishno Devi, will be featured, according to a senior official on Tuesday. The Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board, under the leadership of its CEO, Anshul Garg, has made all necessary preparations to ensure a smooth pilgrimage to the cave shrine.
Garg shared, “Karnataka’s famous ‘Yakshagana’ theatre presentation on the theme of Mata Vaishno Devi will be showcased on the inaugural day,” during an interaction with reporters. He further disclosed that the board’s chairman has issued directives to include various forms of art and theatre from different parts of the country in the festival.
Yakshagana is a traditional dance-drama form originating from South India and is closely associated with the state of Karnataka. It is characterized by elaborate and colorful costumes, makeup, and distinctive masks.
This year’s Navratri festival will see enhancements in the registration process, with the introduction of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) cards. Garg explained, “We have increased the number of counters to 37 for registration, starting from 4 am instead of 5 am to reduce queuing times. Registration will be managed according to the carrying capacity of the yatra track. We have strengthened the use of RFID cards for the yatra.”
The CEO of the shrine board also noted the addition of another langar at Bhairav Ghati and the completion of two significant projects, including Durga Bhawan and a skywalk, which cost Rs 15 crores and took 15 months to complete. These improvements aim to enhance the convenience and experience of visitors in the Bhawan area.
Another noteworthy project is the Navdurga Path, which showcases the nine forms of Navdurga, creating a spiritually uplifting atmosphere. Additionally, a 250-meter flyover with wooden flooring has been constructed, and Parvati Bhawan has been refurbished to include 1,500 lockers.
Garg mentioned that during Shardiya Navratri, more than three lakh pilgrims typically visit, and they expect a similar response this year. The inaugural festival of Navratri is set to commence on October 15.