New Delhi : On Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to inaugurate the inaugural phase of the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut regional rapid transit system (RRTS) corridor in Uttar Pradesh at Sahibabad’s RapidX Station. As part of this momentous event, PM Modi will also ceremoniously commence the RapidX train service, connecting Sahibabad to the Duhai Depot.
This 17-kilometer priority section of the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut corridor will link Sahibabad with the ‘Duhai Depot,’ with stations at Ghaziabad, Guldhar, and Duhai along the route. The foundation stone for this ambitious project was laid by the Prime Minister on March 8, 2019. Following the inauguration, Prime Minister Modi is set to preside over a public program in Sahibabad, during which he will address the audience in celebration of the rapid transit system’s launch.
The regional rapid transit system is a transformative initiative, boasting a design speed of 180 kilometers per hour. It is designed to provide high-speed intercity train services with a frequency of every 15 minutes, with the flexibility to increase to every 5 minutes as needed, as stated in an official release.
The national capital region has identified a total of eight RRTS corridors for development, with three of them earmarked for priority implementation in Phase-I. These three corridors include the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut Corridor, the Delhi-Gurugram-SNB-Alwar Corridor, and the Delhi-Panipat Corridor.
The Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut route is a significant project with an estimated cost of over Rs 30,000 crore. It promises to connect Delhi to Meerut in less than an hour, passing through key urban centers such as Ghaziabad, Muradnagar, and Modinagar.