Jammu, June 17 : A 66-year-old man was tragically killed in Jammu and Kashmir’s Doda district during a dispute related to stone extraction. The accused, identified as Bharov Singh (31), was apprehended by the police within four hours of the incident, in the forested Gandoh area. Singh allegedly attacked Ram Krishan with an axe, resulting in his immediate death. Anju Devi (42), a woman present at the scene, was also injured. The police promptly responded to the situation, locating and arresting the accused in the higher reaches of the forested region. During the arrest, the accused also inflicted self-injuries with the weapon used in the attack. Initial investigations suggest that the incident stemmed from longstanding family disputes, specifically heated arguments over stone extraction. The authorities are conducting further inquiries into the matter.
Sringar : Tejwant Singh Sawhney, Senior BJP Minority Morchav Leader, has made a fervent call for peace between Israel and Palestine. Recognizing the urgent need for international harmony,...
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