Jammu: On Thursday, a sizeable group of 3,111 Amarnath Yatris commenced their journey from the Bhagwati Nagar base camp in Jammu, heading towards Pahalgam and Baltal.
Out of these Yatris, 2,154 individuals, including 1,686 men, 424 women, 6 children, and 47 Sadhus, embarked on their pilgrimage to Pahalgam. They were accommodated in 83 vehicles for their journey. Simultaneously, 957 Yatris, consisting of 616 men, 336 women, and 5 children, traveled to Baltal in 41 vehicles, all of which were closely guarded with tight security arrangements in place.
The Amarnath Yatra, which commenced on July 1, is scheduled to conclude on August 31. The authorities are taking stringent measures to ensure the safety and smooth conduct of the pilgrimage.