Jammu, July 17 : The ongoing Amarnath Yatra, a significant annual pilgrimage, has witnessed the commendable vigilance of the Quick Reaction Teams (QRTs) deployed by the Indian Army along the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway 44. These dedicated and skilled personnel have effectively thwarted potential threats and provided timely assistance to ensure the safety and secure passage for pilgrims.
Recognizing the religious and spiritual significance of the Amarnath Yatra, the Indian Army has prioritized the deployment of well-trained and highly responsive QRTs along the National Highway. Over the course of the pilgrimage, the QRTs have consistently displayed professionalism, resilience, and swift response to mitigate potential risks and maintain a smooth journey for the pilgrims.
The duties of the QRTs involve maintaining constant vigilance, conducting regular patrols, coordinating with local authorities, and promptly addressing any emergency situations that may arise. Their unwavering dedication to upholding the highest standards of safety and security has been deeply appreciated by the pilgrims, who have expressed gratitude for the round-the-clock efforts, selflessness, and commitment demonstrated by the Indian Army.
The Indian Army remains fully committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all Amarnath Yatra pilgrims. With the support of the Quick Reaction Teams, they strive to provide a secure environment that allows pilgrims to embark on their spiritual journey with peace of mind. A defense spokesman emphasized the Indian Army’s unwavering commitment to this cause.