Poonch/Jammu, August 7: In an early morning operation, Army personnel stationed along the Line of Control (LoC) successfully foiled an infiltration bid from across the border in Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch district. Reports indicate that a gunfight ensued as troops in the Degwar sector detected the movement of suspected terrorists attempting to cross under the cover of darkness.
Officials have confirmed that two terrorists are believed to have been neutralized during the encounter; however, their bodies are yet to be recovered from the scene. The joint team comprising Army and police personnel engaged the infiltrators around 2 am in the Garhi Battalion area, as stated by Jammu-based defence PRO Lt Col Suneel Bartwal.
According to Lt Col Bartwal, one of the terrorists was immediately incapacitated, while the second attempted to flee back towards the LoC. He was engaged, hit, and observed falling to the ground. The incident unfolded in the general vicinity of Degwar Terva. The operation is ongoing, with further details awaiting release.