JAMMU, May 27: In a startling occurrence, a black bear entered the premises of a government-run school in Banihal town, Ramban district, before the students’ arrival on Saturday morning. This prompted a collaborative rescue operation involving the police and wildlife department, according to officials.
Fortunately, the students were allowed into the school approximately one hour later than their usual schedule as it was discovered that the bear had escaped, taking advantage of the dense vegetation in the area.
Panic spread in Banihal around 9 am when some locals noticed the black bear entering the government higher secondary school for boys from a nearby government building, where it is believed to have sought refuge overnight.
Upon receiving the information, the police and wildlife protection teams swiftly responded to the scene with the intention of capturing the bear. However, they were unable to locate it after initially spotting it near the school laboratory, as reported by officials.
To ensure public safety, the joint teams have been deployed throughout the area in an effort to track down the bear.
Abdul Rashid Giri, the school’s principal, confirmed that students were permitted to attend their classes after a delay of nearly one hour due to the presence of the wild bear.
Local residents expressed concern over the increasing frequency of bear sightings in the town and surrounding areas, including along the Jammu-Srinagar national highway.
“The presence of three bears in Banihal poses a serious threat, and the concerned department should take necessary measures to promptly capture them for the safety of the people,” stated Farooq Ahmad, a resident of the area.