Srinagar, July 22: In the wake of the devastating incessant rainfall and flash floods that have wreaked havoc in Jammu & Kashmir, Tejwant Singh Sawhney, a prominent leader of the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) Minority Morcha, has called upon Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha to take urgent action in releasing compensation for the affected communities.
The recent natural calamities have caused widespread destruction to properties, infrastructure, and have tragically claimed several lives, leaving countless families in distress. Recognizing the magnitude of the crisis, Tejwant Singh Sawhney has urged the government to prioritize the well-being and rehabilitation of those who have borne the brunt of this catastrophe.
In a heartfelt appeal, Tejwant Singh Sawhney stated, “It is incumbent upon us as responsible leaders to stand by our fellow citizens during times of such grave adversity. The affected families are in dire need of assistance to rebuild their lives, and the immediate release of compensation will provide crucial support for their recovery.”
Acknowledging the relentless efforts of the local administration, rescue teams, and volunteers in providing aid to the affected communities, Tejwant Singh Sawhney emphasized the importance of a well-coordinated and swift response to address the challenges arising from the natural disaster.
The BJP leader also assured his commitment to working in tandem with the government authorities and the Lieutenant Governor’s office to ensure that the compensation reaches the rightful beneficiaries without any delay. He emphasized the need for transparency and accountability in the distribution process to ensure that the relief reaches those in need.
Tejwant Singh Sawhney urged the public to come forward and contribute to the relief efforts in whatever capacity they can. “Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who have been impacted by these unfortunate events. Let us unite in our humanitarian approach and extend a helping hand to our brothers and sisters in distress,” he added.
In conclusion, the BJP Minority Morcha leader appealed to Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha to expedite the release of compensation for the affected families, asserting that timely aid would serve as a glimmer of hope in their journey towards recovery and rebuilding their lives.