Srinagar, June 22: The Jammu and Kashmir government has officially declared the Blue Pansy (Junonia Orithya) as the designated butterfly of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. The announcement was made through an order issued by Dheeraj Gupta, Principal Secretary to the Government for the Department of Forest, Ecology, and Environment.
According to Chief Wildlife Warden Suresh Kumar Gupta, the decision to declare the Blue Pansy as the official butterfly of J&K was made, and the government issued the order on Wednesday evening.
The Blue Pansy is a species of vibrant blue butterflies found in various Southeast Asian countries, Australia, and Africa. In India, it is particularly recognized by this name. This butterfly species consists of 26 local subspecies spread across its range. The Blue Pansy butterflies are attracted to sunlight and can often be observed resting on bare ground, basking in the warmth of the sun’s rays.