Jammu : In a breach of the ceasefire, Pakistan Rangers opened fire at an Indian border post in the Arnia Sector of Jammu, resulting in injuries to two Border Security Force (BSF) personnel from West Bengal. The incident occurred on Tuesday night at 8.15 pm, prompting a swift and fitting response from alert BSF troops. The injured jawans, identified as Constable Alok Saha (44) and Constable Sujeet Biswas (35) of the 120 Battalion BSF, both hailing from West Bengal, received bullet injuries and were promptly provided with medical assistance. They are currently receiving treatment at the government medical college in Jammu.
Sringar : Tejwant Singh Sawhney, Senior BJP Minority Morchav Leader, has made a fervent call for peace between Israel and Palestine. Recognizing the urgent need for international harmony,...
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