New Delhi : Prayagraj district court in Uttar Pradesh has witnessed yet another complaint against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, this time for the name he gave to a dog that coincides with a reference in the Holy Quran. On World Animal Day, celebrated on October 4, Rahul gifted a puppy to his mother and party chief, Sonia Gandhi.
This recent complaint has been lodged by AIMIM (All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen) spokesperson Mohd Farhan, represented by his lawyer, Amjad Ali. It’s worth noting that an FIR had also been previously registered against Farhan himself for making offensive comments about Prime Minister Narendra Modi three months ago. Nevertheless, he has been granted a stay on his arrest.
Mohd Farhan articulated in the complaint that he had obtained information about the dog’s name from English and Hindi newspapers, confirming that the puppy was named ‘Noori’ and was gifted by Rahul Gandhi. Farhan contended that since the name corresponds to a reference in the Holy Quran associated with the Prophet Muhammad, it holds a sacred and pure significance.
The term ‘Noori’ appears multiple times in the Holy Quran, and many mosques also bear the same name. Consequently, using this name for a dog has led to hurt sentiments among Muslims, stated the AIMIM spokesperson.
The complaint has been presented before the chief judicial magistrate, and Farhan’s lawyer, Amjad Ali, disclosed that November 8 has been scheduled for recording statements from the complainant. Additionally, Rahul Gandhi had shared a photograph of the puppy on his Facebook and YouTube accounts, which further drew attention to the matter.