Srinagar: In a meeting held on Sunday, Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and his delegation, including MP Shrikant Shinde, met with Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha in Srinagar. The purpose of the meeting was to request land allocation for the construction of Maharashtra Bhavan, aimed at fostering cultural exchange and boosting the economy of Kashmir.
During the meeting, Chief Minister Shinde emphasized that Maharashtra Bhavan would serve as a platform to promote cultural exchange and facilitate tourism activities, thereby contributing to the economic growth of the region. He highlighted the significance of showcasing Maharashtra’s rich art, culture, and cuisine in Kashmir. Additionally, Maharashtra Bhavan would act as a hub for students, entrepreneurs, and senior officials, strengthening the relationship between Maharashtra and Jammu and Kashmir.
Acknowledging the development and increased tourism in Kashmir since the abrogation of Article 370, Shinde emphasized the importance of capitalizing on this progress to foster greater integration between the two states.
Furthermore, the Chief Minister assured Lieutenant Governor Sinha that the development of Maharashtra Bhavan would strictly adhere to eco-friendly guidelines and procedures while respecting the cultural and natural legacy of Kashmir.
The establishment of Maharashtra Bhavan in Srinagar would not only serve as a cultural showcase for Maharashtrian art, culture, and cuisine but also provide accommodation and support for Maharashtrians visiting Kashmir.
The meeting between Chief Minister Shinde and Lieutenant Governor Sinha marked a significant step towards strengthening ties and promoting cultural harmony between Maharashtra and Jammu and Kashmir.