Shimla, August 14 – A devastating cloudburst in Solan district of Himachal Pradesh resulted in the tragic demise of seven family members, while Shimla city faced the grim possibility of 15 to 20 individuals being buried beneath debris due to two separate landslides, all amidst the relentless downpour wreaking havoc across the state.
The calamitous cloudburst, which occurred on Sunday night, led to the obliteration of two houses in Solan. Though six individuals were successfully rescued, seven lost their lives in Jadon village, as confirmed by a police official.
The victims have been identified as Harnam (38), Kamal Kishore (35), Hemlata (34), Rahul (14), Neha (12), Golu (8), and Raksha (12), according to Solan’s Superintendent of Police, Gaurav Singh.
Adding to the tragedy, Shimla encountered a different rain-induced crisis. Two landslides struck the Shiv temple vicinity in the Summer Hill area, along with the Fagli area of Shimla city. Multiple residences were tragically buried under the mud and sludge triggered by the landslide in the Fagli region.
Aditya Negi, Deputy Commissioner of Shimla, informed PTI that the treacherous landslides potentially trapped 15 to 20 individuals, prompting ongoing and determined rescue operations.
The state’s emergency operation center revealed that a staggering 752 roads had to be closed across the state due to the calamity’s impact. In response to the dire situation, all educational institutions in the region have been instructed to remain closed on Monday.