New Delhi, Aug 8: As of 2021, a total of 2 Border Security Force (BSF) personnel along with 21 civilians who were engaged in infiltration attempts have been captured, as revealed in a statement to the Lok Sabha on Tuesday. Nisith Pramanik, the Union Minister of State for Home, conveyed that the government has implemented a comprehensive strategy to thwart infiltration activities along the Indo-Pakistan and Indo-Bangladesh borders. This multifaceted approach encompasses continuous surveillance and patrolling of the borders, establishment of observation posts, bolstering the BSF personnel count, erection of border fencing, and installation of floodlights.
Additionally, the strategy encompasses the utilization of watercraft, boats, and floating border outposts to control riverine regions, incorporation of advanced technological tools like handheld thermal imagers, night vision devices, twin telescopes, and unmanned aerial vehicles, enhancements in intelligence infrastructure, and fortified collaboration with state governments and intelligence agencies.
Pramanik stated, “Two BSF personnel and 21 local individuals/civilians connected with infiltration attempts have been apprehended since 2021. In instances involving officials or local individuals, thorough investigations are conducted by relevant central and state government authorities, followed by stringent legal actions as prescribed by the law.”
This response was furnished in a written reply to a query presented to the Parliament.