Harjinder Singh, also known as Karan Garhi, has made headlines across the world by setting a new Guinness World Record for the most push-ups done on fingertips while carrying a 20-pound pack, he achieved 570 push-ups. This incredible feat was accomplished in Rajpura, Punjab, India on September 7th, 2022. Harjinder Singh is now a proud holder of the Guinness World Record.
Born on October 3rd, 1993, Harjinder Singh stands at a height of 172cm and weighs 62kg. He has also set other records, such as the maximum one hand push-ups in 30 seconds, achieving 48 pushups, making him a proud holder of the India Book of Records. Additionally, he has also achieved the International Book of Records for most four finger push-ups in 30 seconds, accomplishing 35 pushups.
Harjinder Singh has become an inspiration to many aspiring fitness enthusiasts and athletes worldwide. His dedication and hard work have led him to achieve these remarkable records. He is a true role model for those who want to achieve their fitness goals through perseverance and dedication.
Apart from being a world record holder, Harjinder Singh also owns a gym named Garhi Fitness. The gym is located in Rajpura, Punjab, and is well known for its state-of-the-art facilities and expert trainers. The gym has become a hub for fitness enthusiasts and athletes alike, who seek to achieve their fitness goals.
Harjinder Singh, also known as Karan Garhi, has made India proud by achieving multiple world records and inspiring fitness enthusiasts worldwide. His dedication, hard work, and commitment to fitness have made him an inspiration to many. We wish him all the best for his future endeavors and hope that he continues to motivate people to achieve their fitness goals.