Himachal Pradesh : On Thursday, the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) successfully rescued 51 individuals who had become stranded in areas hit by a cloud burst incident in the villages of Shehnu Gouni and Kholanala within Himachal Pradesh’s Mandi district, according to official sources.
The mountainous region has experienced extensive devastation and fatalities as a result of intense rainfall, landslides, and cloudbursts occurring across various parts of the state. Concurrently, a significant landslide wreaked havoc in Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh, leading to the collapse of numerous residences on Thursday.
Officials have reported substantial damage, with 2,237 houses being completely destroyed and 9,924 others suffering partial damage. Additionally, 300 shops and 4,783 cow sheds have been adversely affected.
In response to the crisis, former Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Jairam Thakur, visited the landslide-affected areas in Kuklah of Mandi district on Thursday. He appealed to the current Chief Minister, Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, to coordinate the provision of essential supplies to the inhabitants residing in these regions.
Assessing the extensive impact brought about by the relentless downpours in the state, Thakur shared, “I have toured my constituency to gauge the immense losses caused by the heavy rainfall. Today, a two-story school building collapsed, and nearly all residences have become perilous due to structural fissures. Tragically, six lives have been lost in a single day.”