New Delhi, July 10 – Two Jammu and Kashmir Police personnel received praise from Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday for their acts of honor and honesty. The policemen had returned a bag containing Rs 80,000 in cash and other valuable items to an Amarnath pilgrim, showcasing exemplary integrity.
In a tweet, Shah emphasized that true heroism lies in acts of honor and honesty that leave a lasting impact on the lives of others. Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Darshan Kumar and Head Constable (HC) Satpal, both from the J&K Police, exemplified this saying by discovering a bag containing ₹80,000, a mobile phone, and Yatra documents. They diligently traced the bag’s owner, a pilgrim, and promptly returned it to her. Shah expressed his appreciation for their demonstration of integrity.
The 62-day annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave shrine, situated at an elevation of 3,888 meters in the south Kashmir Himalayas, began on July 1 and is scheduled to conclude on August 31. Pilgrims undertake the journey through two routes, namely Baltal and Pahalgam, in Jammu and Kashmir. According to sources, last year witnessed 3.45 lakh visitors to the cave shrine, and the number is expected to rise to five lakh this year.