Jammu, June 22: Union Home Minister Amit Shah is scheduled to visit Jammu and Kashmir on June 23 and 24. During his visit, he will participate in various development programs in Jammu and Srinagar, according to sources. The tour will commence with Shah laying wreaths at the statue of BJP ideologue and Bhartiya Jana Sangha founder Syama Prasad Mookerjee in Jammu on Friday morning. Subsequently, he will lay the foundation stone for the Central Forensic Sciences Laboratory in Samba and inaugurate several development schemes in the city. In the afternoon, Shah will travel to Srinagar, where he will attend a function at Raj Bhavan to inaugurate and lay foundation stones for various development projects. He will also participate in the ‘Vitasta’ festival organized by the Union Ministry of Culture in the city. On Saturday, the Home Minister will lay the foundation stone for the ‘Validan Stambh’ in Srinagar before returning to the national capital.
Sringar : Tejwant Singh Sawhney, Senior BJP Minority Morchav Leader, has made a fervent call for peace between Israel and Palestine. Recognizing the urgent need for international harmony,...
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