New Delhi, May 1 : As per the latest data released by the Health Ministry on Monday, India has reported 4,282 new cases of COVID-19, bringing the total tally to 4.49 crore (4,49,49,671). The number of active cases has dropped by over 1,750 to stand at 47,246. The daily positivity rate recorded on Monday was 4.92%, while the weekly positivity was pegged at 4.00%.
The death toll has increased to 5,31,547, with 14 more fatalities reported on Monday, including six reconciled by Kerala. The case fatality rate was recorded at 1.18%. However, the national COVID-19 recovery rate has been recorded at 98.71%, with 4,43,70,878 people having recovered from the disease.
According to the Health Ministry’s website, over 220.66 crore doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in the country so far under the nationwide vaccination drive. The active cases now constitute 0.11% of the total infections, and the government continues to urge people to follow COVID-19 protocols to prevent the spread of the virus.