New Delhi, May 30: According to the latest update from the Union health ministry, India witnessed a single-day increase of 224 fresh coronavirus cases, bringing the total tally to 4,49,90,278. The data, updated at 8 am today, also revealed that the active cases have now dropped to 4,503. Additionally, the death toll rose to 5,31,867 with one new death reported.
The active cases currently represent only 0.01% of the total cases, while the national COVID-19 recovery rate stands at an impressive 98.80%, as reported on the health ministry website. The number of individuals who have successfully recovered from the disease reached 4,44,53,908, showcasing a significant surge. The case fatality rate remains at 1.18%.
In terms of vaccinations, the ministry’s website confirms that a total of 220.66 crore doses of the COVID vaccine have been administered across the country as part of the nationwide COVID-19 vaccination drive.