Bengaluru, August 21: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has unveiled images of the lunar far side area, which were captured by the Lander Hazard Detection and Avoidance Camera (LHDAC). This specialized camera, developed by the Space Applications Centre (SAC) based in Ahmedabad, aids in identifying a safe landing site devoid of boulders or deep trenches during the descent phase.
The LHDAC is among the cutting-edge technologies embedded in the Lander of Chandrayaan-3, a mission launched on July 14. This mission serves as a continuation of Chandrayaan-2, aiming to showcase a comprehensive capability for secure landing and roving across the lunar terrain.
ISRO announced on Sunday that the Lander Module, carrying a rover within it, is anticipated to make contact with the lunar surface at approximately 6.04 PM on August 23. This upcoming milestone represents a significant step in India’s space exploration endeavors.