JAMMU, August 9th: The annual journey to the revered Shri Amarnath cave shrine, spanning from Jammu to Srinagar, faced a suspension on Wednesday. This was the result of a landslide occurring on the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway within the Ramban district, as reported by officials.
Simultaneously, the Yatra’s progress from the Pantha Chowk base camp to Jammu was also put on hold. Resumption of the Yatra’s movement is contingent upon the clearance of the national highway for safe traffic flow.
The authorities of the Jammu and Kashmir traffic police revealed that the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway faced an obstruction due to a landslide at the T2 Marog Ramban section. Commuters were duly cautioned against embarking on their journeys along NH-44 unless they obtained confirmation from the Traffic Control Unit (TCUs).
The ongoing Amarnath Yatra, spanning 62 days and commencing on July 1st, is scheduled to conclude on August 31, 2023.