Srinagar, June 23: In a momentous occasion, Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha inaugurated a state-of-the-art digital movie theatre in Kishtwar on Friday. This development is particularly significant as it marks the opening of a cinema facility in the region after a span of almost three decades. The Lieutenant Governor expressed his delight, stating that J&K is experiencing a new era of peace and development, known as the Amrit Kaal, and the establishment of the movie theatre in the picturesque town of Kishtwar signifies the aspirations of the local society. The event was shared by the department of information through a tweet, emphasizing the significance of this milestone in the region.
Sringar : Tejwant Singh Sawhney, Senior BJP Minority Morchav Leader, has made a fervent call for peace between Israel and Palestine. Recognizing the urgent need for international harmony,...
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