SRINAGAR : In an ongoing investigation, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) has carried out consecutive raids for the second day in various locations across Kashmir. Assisted by the Jammu and Kashmir police and CRPF, NIA sleuths executed these raids as part of a case registered by the national probing agency.
Among the sites targeted was the residence of Bilal Ahmad Mir, son of Ghulam Hassan Mir, in the village of Hanjoora Budgam. Additionally, the house of Khazir Mohammad Najar, son of Gulam Mohammad Najar, in Wagam was subjected to a thorough search by the agency.
Another residential property, located in Namtehal Budgam and belonging to Mohammad Ashraf Wani, son of late Ghulam Qadir Wani, was also scrutinized by NIA investigators.
Similar search operations were conducted at the residences of Mohmad Yousuf Malik, son of Abdul Gaffar Malik, in Deharmuna Soibugh, and Mohmad Shafi Dar, son of Ghulam Mohammad, in Jawallapora district.
Further raids were carried out at the residential house of Ghulam Mustafa Ganie, son of Late Ghulam Hassan Ganie, in the Fallchill village of Budgam district. Additionally, NIA teams executed a search operation at the residence of Mohammad Yousf Malik, son of Abdul Gaffar Malik, in Dharmuna, and at the house of Mohammad Shafi Dar, son of Ghulam Mohammad Dar, in Jawalapora Budgam.
Several other locations in Kashmir are currently under investigation by the national probing agency, as officials collect crucial details. According to official sources, incriminating documents and electronic devices were seized during the Thursday searches, prompting a further continuation of the case investigation.