SRINAGAR, Apr 26: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted a raid on Wednesday at an NGO office belonging to Khurram Parvaiz, who is currently jailed, in the Budgam district of central Kashmir. The NIA team searched the office located in the Dandoosa area of Budgam, which had reportedly been closed for a while.
According to officials, the NIA team seized several documents during the search operation. The reason for the raid has not been officially disclosed, but sources indicate that it is related to an ongoing investigation into alleged terror funding activities of some NGOs in Jammu and Kashmir.
Khurram Parvaiz, a human rights activist and former coordinator of Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS), has been in jail since August 2019. He was arrested by the Jammu and Kashmir police on charges of sedition, unlawful activities, and conspiracy. The JKCCS has been at the center of a controversy over its alleged links to separatist groups and its role in fomenting unrest in the region.