Srinagar: On Thursday, the State Investigation Unit (SIU) in Sopore presented a chargesheet to the NIA court in Baramulla against a terrorist and a hybrid terrorist, according to a statement by a police spokesman in J&K. The chargesheet relates to FIR No 251/2022 of Police Station Sopore, which involves the recovery of three Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) on November 7, 2022. The SIU Sopore followed due process and presented the chargesheet under Section 4/5 of the Explosive Substance Act, and 18, 20, 23, and 38 of the ULAP Act against Waseem Raja Lone, a hybrid terrorist from Kehnusa, Bandipora, and Muhammad Umar Mir, an active terrorist with links to the LeT terror outfit from Brath, Sopore.
Bhopal, October 21 : The process of filing nominations for the forthcoming Madhya Pradesh assembly elections officially commenced on Saturday, with the issuance of notification for the polls, according...
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